Committed to Community

A Message from James

I want to make it clear that I am not a career politician, nor do I aspire to be one. My sole focus is on improving our city while preserving its small-town character. I am committed to working with fellow council members and the community to address both the big challenges and the smaller issues we face. I believe in using a collective approach to achieve our shared goals. We will work together to strengthen our community. I recognize that I won't have all the answers, and I understand that difficult decisions will need to be made, but every decision I make will be with the long-term benefit of our town in mind.

About James

James and Danielle Clair

James is a 5th generation Yrekan, deeply rooted in the community he has called home his entire life. Having attended local schools, he embodies the tradition and values of Yreka as he raises his three children with his wife, Danielle. His commitment to the community is evident through his active participation in various local initiatives, including volunteering as a football coach, serving on the board of the YMCA, and joining as many charity golf tournaments as he can.

Professionally, James has dedicated his career to public service in Siskiyou County; serving as an officer at the Weed Police Department, a Deputy at the Siskiyou County Sheriff's Office, a member of the TASK Force, and currently serving as an Investigator for the District Attorney's Office. His contributions to both community and law enforcement highlight his dedication to making Yreka a better place for all its residents.